Category: Nina_VinzualBlog

Primoštenskim putevima do nekih od najčudesnijih vinograda Hrvatske!

U prethodnom razgovoru sa Krešom Petrekovićem, Upoznajte Krešu Petrekovića i njegova “Vinas Mora”, spomenuli smo, a zatim i posjetili neke


Upoznajte Krešu Petrekovića i njegova “Vinas Mora”

“Kad ćeš doli?“ “Eto me za vikend! Ajmo nešto snimit, sa fotografom, dronom.. bit će lipo vrime. Jesi za?“ “Može,


Blending in the winemaking — 5 different dimensions!

Blending is probably the most artistic part of the winemaking. It is mostly done as a final step before the

Just 30 km from Zagreb – exciting getaway to Šember winery!

What a great morning for a city rush getaway. Just 30 km from Zagreb stands a prosperous little town of


Šember Riesling MMXVII

One of those wines you don’t expect to amaze you. Firstly, only one detail seperates the Šember’s non-macarated riesling with